$1,500.00 USD

Manifesting Mastery 2.0: Big Vision Accelerator

Gain clarity on your big vision, clear your blocks, and create your big dreams! 

What you'll get:

  • 12 weekly coaching sessions
  • 3 Bonus 1:1 Personal Coaching sessions
  • A Clarity workshop so you are crystal clear on what you really desire in your life in the coming year. 
  • Clearing practices, including hypnosis, to release any limiting beliefs, money blocks, ancestral karma that have kept you stalled or procrastinating.
  • My 3C method to take aligned action and feel safe to build your big dreams. 
  • Your Human Design Chart reading, to understand your best strategy and decision making.
  • Understand how to utilize chakra alignment to work for you in business, relationships and life. 
  • All Sales Final. No Refunds. 

What People Are Saying:

I have done a ton of traditional therapy, life coaching, law of attraction work, reiki and other spiritual outlets in the past but Stephanie's work is beyond any of it. Understanding my world now in a different way, I feel like I tapped into a part of myself that I always *knew* existed but never really understood how to access; Stephanie decodes the mystery of how to attain true personal enlightenment in beautiful and really FUN ways. There is no doubt that we were meant to meet; I am so excited for what's to come in the work we do!

Jessie F.

Steph, you are an amazing coach! I've gotten so much out of your mastermind - guidance, clarity, support is bar none the best coaching I've ever gotten (and I've done a few!)

Cheryl M., Human Design Life Coach

Everything we talked about -- has happened. I went from unclear and uncertain about my financial future after my divorce to feeling financially confident. I received a job offer I love with pay raise. And, my son and I got a paid-for vacation!

Kassie C.